Our solutions are used by millions of students every year.

Discover how we have assisted institutions and companies in empowering individuals to reach their career and academic goals, and how we can help you do the same.

Product design app development

CAEL & McDonald’s Archways to Careers Mobile App

McDonald’s partnered with CAEL to create a mobile app for employees to explore and discover career paths and opportunities, and connects them with information and coaching on the steps needed to reach those goals.

Product design app development

Ascent Connect - Guiding Students Through Their Finance Journey

Using our proprietary platform with reusable components, our team launched a fully designed and customized mobile app.

Product design Web development

College Confidential - World’s Largest College - Focused Community

Modernizing one of the oldest student forums - enhancing SEO, utilizing NLG, adding features and improving performance for a community which brings millions of students and parents together on their higher education journey.

Product design app development

The College Fair - Building a bridge between schools & students

Leveraging comprehensive information on nearly 4,000 schools, EMSI’s labor market data, as well as a robust chatbot, students are given powerful tools to match with best fit schools and careers.

Uncover the expertise of our team!

Get access to a pool of skilled and talented individuals and enjoy the experience of projects delivered swiftly, on time, and within budget.

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